SJNY Faculty Page

TheTurgeonsWendy C. Turgeon
Professor and
Department Chair
Philosophy Department

Office: E208 on the  LI Campus
Office phone: (631) 687-5189
Hours: Monday through Friday
Email me:

My CV can be found Curriculum Vitae-wct-July21.

Areas of interest or specialty
Mediaeval Philosophy
Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of Childhood
Philosophy for Children

Our department offers a major in philosophy, minor, and a concentration for Child Study majors. Philosophy is an excellent double major!

Honors Program: I coordinate the Long Island campus Honors Program which spans the first two years of our college program. 

Philosophy Trips
Although the subject area of philosophy may not immediately connote travel, our department has participated in several trips abroad as part of the Study Abroad initiative. 

Conference participation

The Pandemic took a bite out of conference presentations and I am behind in updating my work.  Stay tuned…

Winter and Spring 2021

The year of Covid saw conferences moving online and our global studies trips cancelled or postponed. In January 2021 I did assist at the Teaching Hub at the Eastern APA meeting, continued to chair the APA Committee on Precollege Instruction in Philosophy [tenured ended July 1, 2021], and presented online at the Central APA.  I also participated in a webinar sponsored by PLATO in which I presented my material from my book on philosophical fairy tales.

Winter and Spring 2020

January-Collaborated on running the Teaching Hub at the Eastern APA meeting and presented as part of a panel on pre-college philosophy.

June– co-presenting a workshop/paper on children’s literature and ethical reflection at the PLATO conference to be held in San Diego, California.

Summer 2019

This past summer I presented at the PLATO conference on environmental philosophy and at ICPIC, held in Bogota, Columbia, on “Philosophical Adventures with Maps.”

Summer 2018

The SJC Oxford Experience returned to Oxford during June and July for three weeks studying the history of Oxford and the nature of place.
In July 2018 I  again co-facilitated a workshop on PLATO pre-college philosophy to be held in conjunction with the AAPT conference in North Carolina.

Summer 2017 and March 2018
Our Honors Program trip in May 2017 went to Iceland and in March 2018, we went to Ireland.  Our plan for 2019  is to travel to Greece, a well loved location for us philosophers. 

Summer 2016
This summer I traveled to Greece with the SJC Honors students in May, co-teaching a course on “Oxford as text” for two weeks in July in Oxford, and finally co-leading a workshop and presenting at the AAPT conference at the end of July.

Summer 2015
This was a busy summer. In addition to the June FRN conference on Beauty (see my blog posts regarding that) I attended the ICPIC Conference in Vancouver, Canada in late June, followed by the PLATO conference.  I presented papers on Childhood through literature and a study of Ted Hughes’ What is Truth as a philosophical prompt text. 

In July I worked on two conferences in Oxford, one on the Animal Human Bond and the second on Childhood.  I have posted about them here

Summer 2014
Summer conference: ID-Net Conferences on Childhood and The Animal/Human Bond in July 2014, in Oxford, England.

Co-Facilitated a Work Shop on Philosophy in High School, sponsored by PLATO at the 2014 AAPT conference in Minnesota.

Assorted Information

What can you do with a major in Philosophy?  a great site with some suggestions.

What do Philosophers Do?–an article in the Atlantic offers some insight.

The Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World has begun a new journal; see this link for more information.

And for future and present teachers, parents, I highly recommend my colleague Jana Mohr Lone’s Blog Wondering Aloud. She actively updates her postings (unlike someone who shall remain nameless but is me) and offers cogent and creative ways to introduce philosophical inquiry to children.  Well, really to anyone, including you! Check it out.